Trill Mynh’ta Orb - Star Trek: Discovery

When we got this project, the biggest main concern was that it would be electronics in water. We sometimes don’t have a full scope of what or how it would play on camera, sometimes the director changes their mind in a moment. To account for this, we had a couple of fail-safes in place. Our first line of defense was using silicone-encased LEDs. 

We thought about the whole design around a tube in mind to house the LEDs. The tube would be kept separate from the rest of the parts of the build. In separating where the LEDs lived, we isolated the risk to one area. All of this was 3D modelled and designed digitally before 3D printing. The parts were painted first, with keying ares masked off.

We sealed the LEDs in another tube by itself, before inserting it into the tube that was integrated into the design. We tested how water-tight the assembly was by fully submerging in water before final assembly. We did not use fasteners as that would introduce holes into the build. This would’ve been bad both aesthetically and for keeping water out. Instead, we used O-rings for a sealed friction-fit. Lastly, we sealed around all the access points with silicone caulking.

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