Ganites - SEE

I worked directly with Costume Designer, Natalie Bronfman on SEE season 3. 

The Ganites were one of the unsighted groups in SEE, their story revolved around using of found objects. The premise is a sightless world, but the actors needed to be able to see and perform stunts and fight scenes. They would be part of the large-scale battle scene in a quarry in Ontario. The challenges for this would be creating found objects that stayed true to their shape – looking menacing, protective, or dangerous while still being safe for battle, additionally, the sheer quantity would be a challenge. 

I lead all the moldmaking aspects for these costumes, supporting the rest of the team in their builds. Additionally, I was tasked with making headpieces. 

With a lot of testing, we discovered that a flexible urethane elastomer worked best for most of the casting of smaller objects. It gave the most detail, retaining a smooth, metal-like surface and enough rigidity that the pieces wouldn’t flop. For larger flat pieces, we would brush a layer of semi-rigid plastic urethane, then back it with urethane expanding foam. For pieces that had to be very soft, we only used expanding foam, and to prevent tearing, we would directly cast it with a heavy canvas or leather backing.

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